Baby Cakes
It's the thirteenth episode of Season 2 and since these critiques obviously don't discuss themselves, I'm really earning this. Of course, considering how bad the season finale is, I'm not sure if this is entirely worth it, but it is the reason I started this whole mess in the first place.

So on with the story. Cup Cake and Carrot Cake, the owners of Sugarcube Corner, have recently welcomed the arrival of their newborn son and daughter, Pound and Pumpkin. And they are so cute! You know, I remember back when my brother and I started kindergarten and our selected teachers acknowledged the time when we were born. Now that I look back on that distant memory, it made us feel special. It's really a wonderful thing when new life enters this world.

Pinkie Pie absolutely adores the little tykes and is all for throwing a special party for them, but of course Nurse Redheart has to keep reminding her that a hospital isn't really the time and place.

A month later, Pinkie celebrates the twins turning a month old... by singing about it.
- [Pinkie Pie]
- Happy monthiversary to you and you today
- I can't believe you're already a month old time sure flies doesn't it well it seems like only yesterday you were born.
- But now you're a month old today, hey!

Oh, I almost forgot. The babies are actually a Pegasus and unicorn and yet neither of their parents are any of these. Well, leave it to Carrot Cake to explain this matter.

Mr. Cake: My great-great-great-great grandfather was a
unicorn, and Cup Cake's great aunt's second cousin twice removed was a

Okay, yeah, I guess I can understand that. It runs in the family... somewhere. Don't know how, it just does. So Pinkie immensely enjoys playing with these little toddlers, but suddenly the Cakes remember only at the last minute that they have an afternoon catering to attend to and are in need of babysitters. Now as much as they love Pinkie as if she were their own daughter, they do not ask her at first because they initially believe that because of her carefree, happy-go-lucky, and crazy behavior, she might not be able to handle the responsibility, which of course she can't, seeing as she only desires to play with them.

The Cakes ask each one of the other main characters, but they all seem to have their hands full, never mind that Rarity doesn't actually give a legit reason. But if I knew Rarity at this point in the series, I'm gonna guess that she has several reasons that she need not explain.

So once the task of babysitting falls on Pinkie's shoulders, the moment the parents leave, the babies are already crying their eyes out and Pinkie realizes she's in over her head.

Try as she might, she does everything she can to calm down the twins, only being able to make them laugh by getting a whole sack of flour dumped on top of her, and she has immense difficulties following the list that the parents left for her. Even singing to them doesn't help.
- [Pinkie Pie]
- First you jiggle your tail! Oink oink oink!
- Then you wriggle your snout! Oink oink oink!
- Then you wiggle your rump! Oink oink oink!
- Then shout it out! Oink oink oink!

Okay, we are now halfway through Season 2, so it's time for me to review on everything that's happened so far. It was nice for Hasbro to bring Luna back, but when the continuity from the pilot episodes went kaput, that nearly ruined the moment. So there's hardly anything special about that, especially when practically when all of Ponyville was acting brainless. Some fans hated the episode "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" because Rainbow Dash's friends might not have picked the best possible way to teach her that from great power comes great responsibility. Some even felt sorry for her because they believed being boastful is a part of who she is and it's this characteristic that she is meant to be liked for, and her friends tried to change that. Spike and Rarity actually kicked things up a notch in their relationship, but I seriously doubt it's ever gonna be touched upon again, not even in Season 3, and blow me away if I'm wrong. History lessons for two episodes in a row was like taking a break from present day matters, but still touched upon friendship lessons to be learned nonetheless. And this episode deals with the lesson of responsibility. I guess so far, nothing terrible has happened in Season 2, but its finale does concern me immensely. Maybe this second half of the season is really where things get out of hand. Now I'm well aware that stuff is generally added in for plot and drama, but from my point of view, things can only be carried so far before they steer clear of my own personal tastes and go too far. You'll see what I mean when I discuss the later episodes. Wish me luck.
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