Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Delays Are Usually a Good Thing in the Long Run

Recent news has been posted that the first Phineas and Ferb movie slated for its theatrical release has been delayed, or pushed back, to an unknown release date sometime in 2014 as opposed to July 26, 2013.  Now the good thing about this is that it grants Dan and Swampy as well as the rest of the staff more flexibility with their schedules on the TV series and the movie as well as the Fireside Girls spinoff, which is being focused on less than the current Phineas and Ferb projects.  In other words, if something in media is delayed, be it a movie or video game, it comes out much better than it would if it were to be rushed and met on time with an original deadline.  A fine example of this is the video game Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which had been delayed a few times before its final release date.  Obviously the reason for that was because the enormous staff was pumping everything they could into the game before reaches its final completion stage.

This bit of news is inspiring to me personally and I hope viewers and consumers understand any and all reasons for delays.  It means that things are still a work in progress and when they are finally released, it's well worth the longer wait.  Super Smash Bros. Brawl can vouch for that.

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