Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cherish the Thought

Here's a slide show of my favorite original character of mine, Bow the Cat! DISCLAIMER: The song used is "One Heart" from the album of the same name by Celine Dion and as such, I do NOT own it. Therefore, credit goes to Celine Dion. The song is not mine, but everything else is. Enjoy!

And here's another slide show which has mostly the same images, but a different song is used. DISCLAIMER: The song is "Ma Belle Evangeline" from Disney's The Princess and the Frog and as such, I do NOT own it. Therefore, copyright goes to Disney and credit goes to Jim Cummings, the voice of Ray the firefly who sings the song, and to the movie's staff. The song is not mine, but everything else is. Enjoy!

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