Monday, April 19, 2021

Karma's a Bitch

While the recent shooting at the Indianapolis FedEx building was indeed tragic, I could not help but be struck by something a friend of mine mention to me.  The suspect, 19-year-old Brandon Scott Hole, was not only a former FedEx employee, but apparently a brony, part of that My Little Pony subculture I wanted nothing to do with years ago.  You can click here to read the article that describes this a little more.

While reading it myself to confirm what my online friend told me, I stumbled upon these words:

"Brony online culture has displayed elements of far-right and white nationalist extremism," an internal memo from Facebook read, the Wall Street Journal reported.

As some of you may know from snooping in my Blogger, I reviewed the first four seasons of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, some of their episodes leaving a pretty bad taste in my mouth, but I took time and liberty to accuse bronies of being nothing but bad, even demonizing their cult following.  But now, hearing the possibility that their culture has devolved this far, seems to tell me how low they could possibly sink and if this is all true, then perhaps karma will finally come for these whiny, childish, mean-spirited young adults.  Things they've said over a kids' cartoon, both good and bad, somehow might have pushed them towards white supremacy, which should not be a thing in America, but unfortunately still is.

I personally can't stand white supremacy, but I always watched from the sidelines, feeling that with nothing getting done, all I can do is get used to it... unless any real change starts to happen, which I do secretly hope for.

But yeah, karma's a bitch, bronies.  I insult the culture over death threats sent to Amy Keating Rogers, who was writing for the show at the time of receiving them, and I'm branded the evil one.

There was a post timestamped less than an hour before the shooting that read, "I hope that I can be with Applejack in the afterlife, my life has no meaning without her," and it featured an image of the cartoon pony Applejack.

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